some tips on selecting tools

Selecting tools to embark on a new endeavor, aiming to elevate your skills by upgrading your tools, or aspiring to explore entirely new forms of expression always excites us.
rimpamura aims to be your partner in the journey of discovering Japanese culture's rich offerings.

If you're unsure where to find brushes, sumi ink, suzuri inkstones, washi paper, or any other tools for Suibokuga or Shodo, if you're struggling to locate specialists who can offer guidance on the right tools along with valuable information, or if you're a complete beginner and aren't sure what questions to ask or whom to ask for advice, please don't hesitate to contact us at

We are always here to help. While we may not be able to answer all the questions you might have, we'll be happy to seek consultancy from experienced artisans in each field and provide guidance.

The most important thing in selecting tools is to understand the products that will become your companions. By understanding them, your tools will unleash their maximum potential! 😄

  • for Suibokuga beginners

    For those new to Suibokuga or Sumi-e painting, the key points in selecting tools are "well-made tools" and "ease of control." The allure of Suibokuga or Sumi-e, such as the gradation of sumi ink and brush strokes, is much deeper than one might expect. Therefore, it's important not to feel overwhelmed and discouraged 😞 by its complexity right from the start, but rather to prioritize "enjoyment."

    for details 
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