We've received numerous inquiries about brush maintenance, prompting us to seek advice from the brush shokunin, Mr. Suzuki. He provided some valuable tips.
His suggestions include placing the brush on a sheet of washi paper that you've used and plan to discard (the paper absorbs water surprisingly quickly 😊) after you carefully wash it, soaking the brush in water before every use (to prevent ink from penetrating the core of the brush and hardening 💡.) While he doesn't have scientific data to support this, based on his experience, he believes that ground Sumi ink is gentler on brush hairs.
This serves as a reminder of the significant role of Shodo or Suibokuga painting. Taking a few moments to prepare ourselves can help us express our true selves. I understand we're all quite busy, but perhaps dedicating just a few minutes to grind Sumi ink could be a worthwhile practice?
*It's important to note that liquid sumi has its own unique qualities and plays a crucial role. The previous comments are not meant to negate the value of it😉