How to maintain brushes

How to maintain brushes

We often receive questions about brush maintenance. I asked Mr. Suzuki, who has been devoted to brush making for nearly 70 years since the age of 15, for advice.

Here are the steps for cleaning a brush:

  1. Hold the brush tip.
  2. Expand the base of the tip.
  3. Gently drip water onto the expanded area.
  4. Let accumulated ink near the shaft flow downward.
  5. Wash the body and tip of the tip.
  6. Carefully remove any loose hairs.
  7. Place the brush on a scrap of paper to dry.

One method is to hang the brush with the tip facing down after washing it, but it's recommended to place it on a sheet of washi paper to scrap. The paper can absorb any remaining water and ink inside the brush, making it a better option for drying. It makes sense!

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