Fude making has been practiced throughout Japan for centuries, and while the manufacturing methods can vary somewhat depending on the region and shokunin, they can be broadly categorized into two main methods.
One method is the fully specialized production system. Brushes are made entirely by hand using a combination of hairs from different animals, each with distinct properties. Deciding how to combine these materials, considering their characteristics, and mixing them properly to create a brush requires experience and advanced skills. Naturally, it takes many years to become a fully-fledged shokunin. In the fully specialized production system, the fude-making process is divided into several stages, with different shokunin responsible for each stage. This system makes it easier to train shokunin and allows for efficient production, making mass production possible.
The other method involves one shokunin handling the entire process from start to finish, carefully crafting each brush by hand. This method is not suited for mass production but allows for the creation of brushes that embody the specific intentions of both the shokunin and the artist, enabling the enjoyment of the brush's delicate nuances.
At rimpamura, we particularly focus on shokunin who manage the entire process, showcasing the skills required for this highly specialized craft.